University English: the blog for ESL students

May 24, 2010

Natural Disasters

Filed under: student presentations — richardlstansfield @ 8:33 am


1)earthquake :[noun]a shaking of the ground caused by movement of the earth’s crust.
2)property : [noun] Money, real estate, private property, livestock, etc
3)infectious : [adjective] A disease that is infectious can be caught by being near a person who has it. Compare contagious.
4) instruction : [noun]If someone gives you instruction in a subject or skill, they teach it to you.
5)approach :[verb] to come near or nearer in space, time, quality, character, state, etc
6)prevent : [verb] to stop someone from doing something, or something from happening; to hinder.
7)in advance : [phrase] you do it before a particular date or event.
8)minimize : [verb] a risk, problem, or unpleasant situation, you reduce it to the lowest possible level.
9)concern : [verb] to have to do with someone or something; to be about someone or something
10)overcome : [verb] to defeat someone or something; to succeed in a struggle against them or it; to deal successfully with them or it.
11)origin : [noun] a beginning or starting-point; a source.
12)greed : [noun] an excessive desire for, or consumption of, food.
13)phenomenon:[noun] A phenomenon is something that is observed to happen or exist.
14)volcano:[noun] A volcano is a mountain from which hot melted rock, gas, steam, and ash from inside the earth sometimes burst.
15)surface:[noun] The surface of something is the flat top part of it or the outside of it.
16)crust:[noun] The crust on a loaf of bread is the outside part.

These days, natural disasters are a hot issue all around the world. For example, Earthquake, Tsunami, The eruption of the vlocano and The green house effect, and so on.

First, the earthquake is the phenomenon which the surface violates to rapid change of the inside. To reduce earthquake damage, we prepare these. We must build building by earthquake resistant design. Also, we after an earthquake, be prepared for aftershocks. Recently, serious damage caused by earthquake in Haiti.

————- earthquake’s picture———


Second, the tsunami is a very large wave, often caused by an earthquake. Tsunami caused the flood damage to property, loss of life, water pollution, infectious diseases. 26, December, 2004 tsunami in Indonesia has killed 300,000 people in total.

—- tsunami’s picture———


Third, the eruption of a volcano is when rock from the mental melts and moves to the surface through the earth’s crust and release built-up gases. If a volcano erupts, it will fill the air with gases, pieces of ash and smoke. Recently, it occurred in Iceland, so many people die.

———————volcano’ picture——-


Lastly, there is the green house effect. The green house effect occurred because the earth’s surface is being heated, so the earth’s temperature is rising. So, the glaciers are melting, and polar bear and penguins are losing their habitats.

Recently, movies about natural disaster are produced much. These movies give us a lot of instructions. For example, there are movies such as , , and .

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Like that, most of natural disasters that approach to us can’t be prevented with human’s power. So, we have to prepare in advance to the measures of natural disasters and make an effort to minimize damages. But, the cause of disasters like the green house effect that is at the center of public concerns is owing to human. So, natural disasters like this must be overcome with human’s effort. The earth is the base of humans and the place of origin of all lives. Anymore greed of humans leads to fall of the earth. It’s like a movie, “2012”.


Discussion Questions

1. What do you think about the natural disasters occurred that have occurred these days?

2. Have you seen the movie any movies which is concerned are about natural disasters?

3. What can we do to prevent The greenhouse effect the Greenhouse Effect?

Class # 171

Group # 6

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