University English: the blog for ESL students

October 12, 2014

Vocabulary: Units 7, 8, and 9

Filed under: vocabulary — richardlstansfield @ 12:57 pm

backpacking: (noun) travelling or camping with your clothes and belongings in a backpack

dome: (noun) a curved, round roof of a building

herd: (noun) a large group of animals, such as cows, that live and eat together

inviting: (adjective) pleasant and attractive

llama: (noun) a large South American animal with a long neck and long hair, often kept for its meat, milk, or fur and to carry heavy loads

memorabilia: (noun) objects relating to famous people or events that people collect

poke: (verb) to appear through or from behind something, or to make something do this

superb: (adjective) excellent

tram: (noun) an electric vehicle for carrying passengers, mostly in cities, which moves along metal lines in the road

trek: (noun) a long, difficult journey that you make by walking

van: (noun) a vehicle that is used for carrying things but that is smaller than a truck

wander: (verb) to walk slowly about a place without any purpose

bargain: (noun) something that is sold for less than its usual price or its real value

snorkel: (noun) a tube that you use to help you breathe if you are swimming with your face under water

insect repellent: a substance that you use to keep insects away

day off: (noun) a day when you do not have to work, or do something that you normally do

binoculars: (noun) a piece of equipment for looking at things that are far away, made from two tubes with glass at the ends:

awful: (adjective) very bad, of low quality, or unpleasant

weird: (adjective) very strange

taste: (noun) the particular things you like, such as styles of music, clothes, decoration, etc.

charity: (noun) an official organization that gives money, food, or help to people who need it

tablet: (noun) a small computer that you use by touching the screen

antique: (noun) an object that is old, and often rare or beautiful

anecdote: (noun) a short story that you tell someone about something that happened to you or someone else

sprain: (verb) to injure part of your body by twisting it, but not so badly that it breaks

May 21, 2014

Written Test #2 Vocabulary

Filed under: announcements,vocabulary — richardlstansfield @ 6:13 am

Scroll down and find your class number.

_____Class 27_____

beef: the flesh of cattle (cows), eaten as food

intestines: a long tube through which food travels from the stomach and out of the body while it is being digested

flake: a small, thin piece of something, especially if it has come from a surface covered with a layer of something

soulful: of or expressive of deep feeling of emotion

howl : to utter a loud, prolonged, mournful cry, as that of a dog or wolf

bill : horny projecting mouth of a bird

gizzard: the thick-walled part of a bird’s stomach, in which hard food is broken up by muscular action and contact with grit and small stones

tripe: the covering of the inside of the stomach of an animal, such as a cow or sheep, used for food

leek: a long, white vegetable with green leaves on top that tastes and smells like an onion

dignity: the quality of being worthy of esteem or respect

blossom: If someone or something blossoms, they develop good, attractive, or successful qualities

masterpiece: A masterpiece is an extremely good painting, novel, film, or other work of art

compose: (verb) when something is formed from a number of substances, parts or people

armament: the weapons and military equipment used by an army

accomplish: (verb) to succeed in doing something, especially after trying very hard

pharmacist : (noun) someone who is trained to prepare or sell medicines

perceive : (verb) to think of something or someone in a particular way

hypoglycemia : (noun) a medical condition resulting from dangerously low levels of sugar in the blood

amenity: [noun] something intended to make life more pleasant or comfortable for people

metropolitan: [adjective] of or in a large city

admission: [noun] the price paid to enter a place

styrofoam: a very light, plastic substance, used especially to make containers

disrupt: to interrupt something and stop it continuing as it should; to interfere with something

tumor : a mass of diseased cells in your body that have divided and increased too quickly

_____Class 57_____

commemorate: [verb] to do something to show you remember an important person or event in the past with respect

petal: [noun] any of the usually brightly coloured parts that together form most of a flower

serene: [adjective] peaceful and calm; worried by nothing

atmosphere: the feeling that exists in a place or situation

basement: a room or set of rooms that is below ground level in a building

scent: a pleasant natural smell

nobility: [NOUN] honesty, courage, and kindness

longevity: [NOUN] living for a long time

pendant: [NOUN] a piece of jewellery worn around the neck, consisting of a long chain with an object hanging from it, or the object itself

detective: a person, especially a police officer, whose occupation is to investigate and solve crimes

hard boiled: denoting a tough, realistic style of detective fiction

golden age: denotes a period of primordial peace, harmony, stability, and prosperity

plummet: to fall very quickly and suddenly

primitive: relating to human society at a very early stage of development, with people living in a simple way without machines or a writing system

marinate: to put fish, meat, or vegetables in a mixture of oil, vinegar or wine and spices before cooking, in order to flavor it or make it softer

portmanteau: a word formed by combining two other words

horizontally: something that is flat and level with the ground, rather than at an angle to it

vertically: something that stands or points straight up

unavoidable: (adjective) impossible to stay away from

exemplify: (Verb) to be or give a typical example of something

singalong: (Noun) the informal singing of songs by a group of people

_____Class 87_____

meanwhile: [ADV] in the time between two things happening, or while something else is happening

in earnest: when something really starts to happen in a serious way

consecutive: [ADJ] when events, numbers, or periods of time come one after the other

representative : someone who speaks or does something officially for another person

embrace: when you put your arms around somebody, and if two people embrace, they put their arms around each other

cheek: the soft part of your face below your eye

association: (noun) an organization of people with the same interests or with a particular purpose

break: (verb) to not do what you should do according to an agreement/promise/rule, etc

enthusiasm: (noun) the feeling of being very interested in something and wanting very much to be involved in it

attraction: something that makes people come to a place or want to do a particular thing

dynasty: a series of rulers or leaders who are all from the same family, or a period when a country is ruled by them

exoticism: unusual and often exciting because of coming (or seeming to come) from far away, especially a tropical country

antibiotic: (noun) medical drugs used to kill bacteria and treat infections

gulp down: (verb) to swallow something quickly and noisily

oxidation: (noun) a process in which a chemical substance changes because of the addition of oxygen

winter solstice: the time at which the sun is at its southernmost point in the sky (northernmost point in the S hemisphere) appearing at noon at its lowest altitude above the horizon. It occurs about December 22 (June 21 in the S hemisphere)

harvest: When you harvest a crop, you gather it in

chestnut: [NOUN] A chestnut or chestnut tree is a tall tree with broad leaves

cutting-edge: The most recent stage in the development of something

flirtatious: behaving as if you are interested in someone, in a not serious way

arbitrary: based on a desire or idea or chance rather than reason

pitcher: (Noun) in baseball, someone who throws the ball at the person who is going to hit it

batter: (Noun) the person who is trying to hit the ball in baseball

velocity: (Noun) the speed at which something moves

_____Class 117_____

cuisine : [NOUN] the style of cooking that is characteristic of a place

recipe : [NOUN] a list of ingredients and a set of instructions that tell you how to cook something

traditional : [Adjective] customs, beliefs, or methods that have existed for a long time without changing

enthusiasm: a feeling of energetic interest in a particular subject or activity and an eagerness to be involved it

fascinate: to interest someone a lot

consume: to use fuel, energy, or time, especially in large amounts

Genre: a particular type of art, writing, music etc, which has certain features that all examples of this type share

season: a series of films, plays, television programmes etc that are shown during a particular period of time

character actor: an actor who typically plays unusual characters, rather than the most important characters

Wheat: a cereal crop grown for food

Boulevard: a wide street in a city,usually with trees along each side

Cape: a large piece of land that sticks out into the sea from the coast

plated: coverd with a thin layer with a metal

Preserve: to keep a particular quality

Redevelop: to change an area by building new roads, houses, factories, etc

Disease: an illness caused by an infection or by a failure of health and not by an accident

Harmonious: friendly and peaceful

Festival: a series of special events, performances, etc that often takes place over several days

soar: to rise very quickly to a high level

representative: someone who speaks or does something officially for another person or group of people

attraction: something that makes people want to go to a place or doa particular thing

anniversary – a date on which you remember or celebrate something that happened on that date one or more years ago

adolescent – a young person who is between being a child and an adult.

admission – the money that you pay to enter a place

_____Class 147_____

enshrine: when a tradition or right is preserved and protected so that people will remember and respect it

pavilion: a very large building with big open areas used for sports and other public events

heritage: the traditional beliefs, values, customs etc of a family, country, or society

attitude – a complex mental state involving beliefs and feelings and values and dispositions to act in certain ways.

make-up – put in order or neaten.

concession – the act of yielding.

celestial body : [NOUN] a natural object which is located outside of Earth’s atmosphere, such as the Moon, the Sun, an asteroid, planet, or star.

buckwheat : [NOUN] an Asian plant, of the species Fagopyrum esculentum, and the fruit of this plant used a cereal.

application : [NOUN] A computer program or the set of software that the end user perceives as a single entity as a tool for a well-defined purpose.

roast : to cook meat or other food by dry heat in an oven or over a fire

antioxidant : a chemical substance that prevents or slows down the damage that oxygen does to organisms or to food

anti-aging : describes substances that are intended to prevent or limit the process of becoming old

mellow: when things have a pleasant, soft, rich colour, usually red, orange, yellow, or brown

sovereign: (adj) when a state or country is independent and not under the authority of any other country

percussion: musical instruments that you hit, such as drums.

host: [NOUN] the person who has invited the guests and provides the food, drink, or entertainment at a party

mascot: [NOUN] an animal, toy, or symbol which is associated with a particular organization or event, and which is thought to bring good luck

ignominious: when an experience or action is embarrassing because it shows a great lack of success

manners: social behavior or conduct

atmosphere: a particular environment or surrounding influence

hangover: disagreeable aftereffects from the use of drugs or alcohol

April 11, 2014

Vocabulary: Units 1, 2, and 3

Filed under: vocabulary — richardlstansfield @ 12:49 pm

Unit 1

only child: (noun) someone who has no siblings (brothers or sisters)

weeknight: (noun) the evening or night of any day of the week except Saturday and Sunday

wreck: (verb) to destroy something completely

allergy: (noun) a medical condition in which your body reacts badly to something that you eat, breathe, or touch:

afford: (verb) to have enough money to buy something or enough time to do something

broke: (adjective) to not have any money

neighbor: (noun) someone who lives very near you, especially in the next house

neighborhood: (noun) an area of a town or city that people live in

vintage: (adjective) having all the best or most typical qualities of something, especially from the past

surroundings (noun) the place where someone or something is and the things that are in it

sweatshirt: (noun) a shirt made of soft, thick cotton that is worn during exercise or informal activities

Unit 2

creative: (adjective) good at thinking of new ideas or using imagination to create new and unusual things

pool: (noun) a game in which two people use long, thin sticks to hit coloured balls into holes around the edge of a table

work out: (verb) to do exercises to make your body stronger

skill: (noun) the ability to do an activity or job well, especially because you have practised it:

gym: (noun) a building with equipment for doing exercises

local: (adjective) relating to an area near you

lasagne: (noun) a type of Italian food consisting of flat pieces of pasta with layers of meat and sauce in between

martial arts: (noun) traditional fighting methods, done as self-defense or a sport

puzzles: (noun) a game or activity in which you have to put pieces together or answer questions using skill

memorabilia: (noun) objects relating to famous people or events that people collect:

geocaching: (noun) the outdoor sport or game of searching for hidden objects by using Global Positioning System (GPS) coordinates posted on the Internet

duct tape: (noun) a long, thin strip of very strong sticky material that is sold in a roll and is often used for covering holes or other repair jobs

flea market: (noun) a market where you can buy old or used things cheaply

pottery: (noun) the activity of making plates, bowls, etc from clay

Unit 3

cope: (verb) to deal quite successfully with a difficult situation

checkup: (noun) a medical examination to test your general state of health

reunion: (noun) an occasion when people who have not met each other for a long time meet again

in shape: (phrase) healthy and physically strong

once in a while: (phrase) sometimes but not often

meditation: (noun) to think calm thoughts for a long period in order to relax or as a religious activity

cut down: (verb) to eat or drink less of something, or to reduce the amount or number of something

give up: (verb) to stop doing or having a bad habit or something unhealthy, such as smoking or alcohol

flu: (noun) an illness like a very bad cold, that makes you feel hot and weak

vinegar: (noun) a sour liquid that is used in cooking, often made from wine

gargle: (verb) to move liquid or medicine around in your throat without swallowing, especially to clean it or stop it feeling painful

run-down: (adjective) weak; having lost energy, power, or strength

sore: (adjective) painful, especially when touched

cough drop: (noun) a hard, sweet piece of medicine that you suck on to help a cough get better

upset stomach: (phrase) an illness in the stomach

October 7, 2013


Filed under: vocabulary — richardlstansfield @ 1:36 am

Unit 7: Going away …

backpacking: (noun) travelling or camping with your clothes and belongings in a backpack

bargain: (noun) something that is sold for less than its usual price or its real value

– example sentence: “At $8.95, it’s a bargain.”

binoculars: (noun) a piece of equipment for looking at things that are far away, made from two tubes with glass at the ends

cactus: (noun) a plant with thick leaves for storing water and often sharp points that grows in deserts (plural: cacti)

chapel: (noun) a small church, or a room used as a church in a building

currency: (noun) the units of money used in a particular country

embassy: (noun) the official group of people who live in a foreign country and represent their government there, or the building where they work

inflatable: (adjective) when an object has to be filled with air before you can use it

insect repellent: (noun) a substance that you use to keep insects away

jumbo jet: (noun) a very large aircraft for carrying passengers

lounge: (noun) a room in a hotel, theatre, airport, etc where people can relax or wait

parasol: (noun) a type of umbrella used for protection from the sun (especially by women)

Puerto Rico: (noun) an island in the Caribbean Sea. The people there have U.S. citizenship and speak Spanish and English. Ricky Martin is from there.

rug: (noun) a soft piece of material used to cover the floor

sauna: (noun) a room that is hot and filled with steam where people sit to relax or feel healthy

snorkel: (noun) a tube that you use to help you breathe if you are swimming with your face under water

spare: (adjective) something that is available to use, because it is extra and not being used

suitcase: (noun) a rectangular case with a handle that you use for carrying clothes when you are travelling

tropical: (adjective) from or in the hottest parts of the world

visa: (noun) an official mark in your passport (= document which proves your nationality) that allows you to enter or leave a particular country

windsurfer: (noun) a narrow board with a sail fixed to it which you hold, standing up, while the wind blows you along the surface of a sea or lake

Unit 8: At home

awful: (adjective) very bad, of low quality, or unpleasant

charity: (noun) an official organization that gives money, food, or help to people who need it

faucet: (noun) an object at the end of a pipe which you turn to control the flow of water

frame: (noun) a structure that goes around the edge of something such as a door, picture, window, or mirror

laundry: (noun) clothes, sheets, etc that need to be washed

permission: (noun) when you allow someone to do something

polite: (adjective) behaving in a way that is not rude (does not upset other people) and shows that you do not only think about yourself

receipt: (noun) a piece of paper that proves that you have received goods or money

spring cleaning: (noun) when you clean a place more carefully and using more effort than usual

taste: (noun) the particular things you like, such as styles of music, clothes, decoration, etc.

washing machine: (noun) a machine that washes clothes

weird: (adjective) very strange

Unit 9: Things happen

aerobics: (noun) physical exercises that you do to music, especially in a class

anecdote: (noun) a short story that you tell someone about something that happened to you or someone else

background: (noun) the situation that an event happens in, or things which have happened in the past which affect it

buttock: (noun) one of the two sides of your bottom

hip: (noun) one of the two parts of your body above your leg and below your waist

routine: (noun) the things you regularly do and how and when you do them

sprain: (verb) to injure part of your body by twisting it, but not so badly that it breaks

while: (conjunction) at the same time as; simultaneously; during the time that

passport: (noun) an official document, often a small book, that you need to enter or leave a country

bedtime: (noun) the time that you usually go to bed

as soon as: (adverb) immediately after; right after; at the same time or a very short time after

May 27, 2013

Vocabulary List

Filed under: vocabulary — richardlstansfield @ 1:52 pm

Scroll down and find your class.

__________ Class 28 __________

mussel (noun): a similar fesh water bivalve mollusc which forms Mother – Of – Pearl on the insede of its shell

visionary (adjective): showing of marked by great foresight or imagination

worthwhile (adjective): worth the time, money or energy expended

excavator: a large, powerful machine with a container connected to a long arm, used for digging up the ground

compact: small and including many things in a small space

fiber: cloth made from thin threads twisted together

smother: to make a fire stop burning by covering it with something

abundant: existing in large quantities

vary: when things of the same type are different from each other

eunuch: a man who has had testicles removed

addict: a person who cannot stop doing or using something, especially something harmful

turmeric: a yellow powder, used as a spice to flavor particular foods, especially curry

metabolism: all the chemical processes in your body, especially the ones that use food

pelvis: the group of bones that forms the area below your waist and above your legs and to which your leg bones are joined

palm: the inside surface of your hand

pearl: a small, round object, usually white, that forms around a grain of sand inside the shell of a sea creature, especially an oyster

brewery: a company that makes beer or a place where beer is made

limit: the greatest amount, number, or level of something that is either possible or allowed

memorial: an object, often made of stone, that is built to help people remember an important person or event

admiral: an officer of very high rank in the navy

accomplish: to succeed in doing something good

inspiration: someone or something that gives you ideas for doing something

symmetry: the quality of having parts that match each other, especially in a way that is attractive, or similarity of shape or contents

prominent: very well known and important

__________ Class 59 __________

celtic: relating to the people of Ireland, Scotland and Wales

sculpture: the art of forming solid objects that represent a thing, person, idea, etc.

harvest: when crops are cut and collected from fields

scallion: a small onion with long green leaves

hypertension: a medical condition in which a person has very high blood pressure

diabetes: a medical condition in which somesne has too much sugar in their blood

parody (verb): a film, book, etc that copies someone else’s style in a way that is funny

appropriate (abjective): suitable or right for a particular situation or person

masterpiece (noun): a painting, book, or film that is generally considered to be of excellent quality

tournament: a competition with a series of games between many teams or players, with one winner at the end

discipline: when people’s behaviour is controlled using rules and punishments

continent: one of the seven main areas of land on the Earth, such as Asia, Africa, or Europe

altitude (noun): the height of something above sea level

conquerors (noun): someone who has conquered a country or its people

outskirts (noun): the outer area of a city, town, or village

structure: a building or something that has been built

connect: to join two things or places together

exotic: unusual and often exciting because of coming (or seeming to come) from far away, especially a tropical country

solitary: the only person or thing in a place

imagine: to create an idea or picture of something in your mind

combat: a fight between two people or things

__________ Class 90 __________

establish: to start a company or organization that will continue for a long time

agent: someone whose job is to deal with business for someone else

symbol: a sign or object that is used to represent something

charming: pleasant of attractive

sailor: someone who sails ships

agency: a business that provides a service

compile (verb): to collect information and arrange it in a book, report, or list

devastate (verb): to destroy or damage something very badly

admiral (noun): an officer of very high rank in the navy

magnificent: very good or very beautiful

spectacle: an event that is exciting or unusual to watch

accommodate: to provide with a place to live or to be stored in

plait: to twist three pieces of hair, rope, etc together so that they form one long piece

temple: the area on each side of your head in front of the top of your ear

abundant: existing in large quantities

satirical: a humorous way of criticizing people or ideas to show that they have faults or are wrong

occupation: a person’s job

ridiculous: foolish or unreasonable and deserving to be laughed at

microorganism: a living thing that on its own is too small to be seen without a microscope

felicitations: an expression used to wish someone happiness, or to praise or show approval

ambience: the qualities of a place and the way it makes you feel

harmonic (adjective): relating to the way notes are played or sung together to make a pleasing sound

skewer (noun): a long thin pointed piece of metal or wood that is pushed through pieces of meat, vegetables and etc.

auction (noun) : a public event at which things are sold to the person who offers the most money for them

__________ Class 121 __________

crease: a line on cloth or paper where it has been folded or crushed

poll: a study in which people are asked for their opinions about a subject or per son

responsibility: something that it is your job or duty to deal with

whip: to make a food such as cream more solid by mixing it hard with a kitchen tool

buffet: a meal where people serve themselves different types of usually cold food

cutlet: a small piece of meat still joined to the bone

celebrity: a famous person

secretary general: the most important official of an organization

athlete: someone who is very good at a sport and who competes with others in organized events

acronym: a word made from the first letters of other words

representative: someone who speaks or does something officially for another person

sympathize: to understand and care about someone’s problems

billboard: a very large board on which advertisements are shown, especially at the side of a road

unique: being the only existing one of its type or, more generally, unusal, or special in some way

drugs: any natural or artificially made chemical that is used as a medicine

mud flat: a tract of low muddy land, esp near an estuary, that is covered at high tide and exposed at low tide

diabetes: a medical condition in which someone has too much sugar in their blood

box office: the place where the tickets are sold in a theatre, cinema, or concert hall

social networking: using a website to communicate with friends and to meet other people

spread: to arrange something so that it covers a large area

immediate: happening or done without waiting or very soon after something else

__________ Class 152 __________

broadcast: television or radio programme

commercial: intended to make a profit

overstate: to talk about something in a way that makes it seem more important then it really is

crunchy: when food is hard and makes a noise when you eat it

moist: slightly wet, especially in a good way

steam: the gas that water produces when you heat it

conquer: to take control or possession of foreign land, or group of people, by force

escape: to get free from something, or to avoid something.

theme: the main subject of a talk, book, film, etc.

vicious: intended to upset someone

revenge: something that you do to punish someone who has done something bad to you

credentials: documents that prove who you are

infield: the part of a cricket or baseball field that is closest to the player who hits the ball

fly: in baseball, a ball that has been hit high into the air

protective gear: equipment or clothes that are able to keep someone or something safe from injury or damage

calligraphy: (the art of producing) beautiful writing, often created with a special pen or brush

console: to make someone who is sad or disappointed feel better by giving them comfort or sympathy

withdrawal: an act of taking something back, removing something, or moving something back

ingredient: a component of a mixture or compound

intestine: the part of the alimentary canal between the stomach and the anus

nutritious: of or providing nourishment

hotpot: a mixture of meat and vegetables, usually including sliced potatoes, cooked slowly in a covered dish inside a cooker

irrigation: providing water for an area of land so that crops can be grown

seashell:a hard outer layer of a marine animal, found on beaches

April 14, 2013

Vocabulary: Unit 3

Filed under: vocabulary — richardlstansfield @ 9:08 am

checkup (noun): a general medical examination to see if you are healthy

chill out (phrasal verb): to relax completely, or not allow things to upset you (informal)

cut down (phrasal verb): to eat or drink less of something, or to reduce the amount or number of something

give up (phrasal verb): to stop an unhealthy habit or stop having something unhealthy

how come (phrase): used to ask about the reason for something, especially when you feel surprised about it (informal)

rash (noun): a group of small, red spots on the skin

runny nose: when your nose is producing liquid all the time

symptom (noun): a physical feeling or problem which shows that you have a particular illness

vinegar (noun): a sour liquid that is used in cooking, often made from wine

vomit (verb): when food or liquid that was in your stomach comes up and out of your mouth

yoga (noun): a set of exercises for the mind and body, based on the Hindu religion

April 8, 2013

Vocabulary: Unit 2

Filed under: vocabulary — richardlstansfield @ 12:26 am

bookworm (noun): someone who enjoys reading very much

celebrity (noun): a famous person

crochet (verb): to make clothes and other items using wool and a special needle with a hook at one end

daredevil (noun): someone who enjoys doing dangerous things

enthusiastic (adjective): having a lot of interest in something and wanting very much like to be involved in it

freak (noun): someone who is very interested in a particular subject or activity (informal)

genre (noun): a type of art or writing with a particular style

handyman (noun): someone who is good at making things or repairing them

journalism (noun): the work of writing articles for newspapers, magazines, television, or radio

knit (verb): to make clothes using wool and two long needles to join the wool into rows

local (adjective): relating to an area near you

martial art (noun): traditional skills of fighting, especially from East Asia

meditate (verb): to think calm thoughts for a long period in order to relax or as a religious activity

novel(noun): a book that tells a story about imaginary people and events

pool(noun): a game in which two people use long, thin sticks to hit coloured balls into holes around the edge of a table

recipe (noun): a list of foods and a set of instructions telling you how to cook something

sew (verb): to join things together with a needle and thread

skill(noun): the ability to do an activity or job well, especially because you have practised it

March 24, 2013

Vocabulary: Unit 1

Filed under: vocabulary — richardlstansfield @ 4:32 am

afford (verb): to have enough money to buy something or enough time to do something

allergic (adjective): when someone becomes sick or develop skin or breathing problems because they have eaten certain foods or been near certain substances

boy (interjection): used when you are excited or pleased

broke (adjective): to not have any money

by the way (phrase): used when you say something that does not relate to what is being discussed

gym (noun): a building with equipment for doing exercises

hang out (phrasal verb): to spend a lot of time in a particular place or with a particular group of people

karate (noun): a sport from Japan in which people fight using fast, hard hits with the hands or feet

laundry (noun): the dirty clothes and sheets that need to be, are being, or have been washed

laundromat (noun): a place where you pay to use the machines there that will wash and dry clothes

night owl (noun): a person who prefers to be awake and active at night

only child (noun): a child who has no sisters or brothers

vegetarian (noun): a person who does not eat meat for health or religious reasons or because they want to avoid being cruel to animals

weeknight (noun): the evening or night of any day of the week except Sunday and usually Saturday

work out (phrasal verb): to do exercises to make your body stronger

wreck (verb): to destroy or badly damage something

October 10, 2012

Vocabulary Review: Units 7, 8, and 9

Filed under: vocabulary — richardlstansfield @ 3:29 am

Unit 7: Going away

backpacking: (noun) travelling or camping with your clothes and belongings in a backpack

bargain: (noun) something that is sold for less than its usual price or its real value

– example sentence: “At $8.95, it’s a bargain.”

cactus: (noun) a plant with thick leaves for storing water and often sharp points that grows in deserts (plural: cacti)

chapel: (noun) a small church, or a room used as a church in a building

currency: (noun) the units of money used in a particular country

grotto: (noun) a small cave

inflatable: (adjective) when an object has to be filled with air before you can use it

insect repellent: (noun) a substance that you use to keep insects away

itinerary: (noun) a detailed plan of a trip or a list of places that you plan to visit on a journey

– example sentence: “We planned our itinerary several weeks before the trip.”

– example sentence: “The President’s itinerary includes visits to Boston and New York.”

jumbo jet: (noun) a very large aircraft for carrying passengers

lounge: (noun) a room in a hotel, theatre, airport, etc where people can relax or wait

parasol: (noun) a type of umbrella used for protection from the sun (especially by women)

Puerto Rico: (noun) an island in the Caribbean Sea. The people there have U.S. citizenship and speak Spanish and English. Ricky Martin is from there.

sauna: (noun) a room that is hot and filled with steam where people sit to relax or feel healthy

snorkel: (noun) a tube that you use to help you breathe if you are swimming with your face under water

spare: (adjective) something that is available to use, because it is extra and not being used

suitcase: (noun) a rectangular case with a handle that you use for carrying clothes when you are travelling

tropical: (adjective) from or in the hottest parts of the world

weather forecast: (noun) a description of what the weather will be like

windsurfer: (noun) a narrow board with a sail fixed to it which you hold, standing up, while the wind blows you along the surface of a sea or lake

windsurfing: (noun) a sport in which you sail across water by standing on a board and holding onto a large sail

Unit 8: At home

spring cleaning: (noun) when you clean a place more carefully and using more effort than usual

awful: (adjective) very bad, of low quality, or unpleasant

weird: (adjective) very strange

taste: (noun) the particular things you like, such as styles of music, clothes, decoration, etc

polite: (adjective) behaving in a way that is not rude (does not upset other people) and shows that you do not only think about yourself

permission: (noun) when you allow someone to do something

frame: (noun) a structure that goes around the edge of something such as a door, picture, window, or mirror

charity: (noun) an official organization that gives money, food, or help to people who need it

receipt: (noun) a piece of paper that proves that you have received goods or money

faucet: (noun) an object at the end of a pipe which you turn to control the flow of water

Unit 9: Things happen

background: (noun) the situation that an event happens in, or things which have happened in the past which affect it

anecdote: (noun) a short story that you tell someone about something that happened to you or someone else

sprain: (verb) to injure part of your body by twisting it, but not so badly that it breaks

hip: (noun) one of the two parts of your body above your leg and below your waist

buttock: (noun) one of the two sides of your bottom

passport: (noun) an official document, often a small book, that you need to enter or leave a country

bedtime: (noun) the time that you usually go to bed

routine: (noun) the things you regularly do and how and when you do them

while: (conjunction) at the same time as; simultaneously; during the time that

as soon as: (adverb) immediately after; right after; at the same time or a very short time after

April 2, 2012


Filed under: announcements,self study,vocabulary — richardlstansfield @ 6:27 am

afford: (verb) can afford = to have enough money to buy something or enough time to do something

[e.g. I can’t afford a new car. = I don’t have enough money to buy a new car.]

allergic: (adjective) when you have a medical condition in which your body reacts badly to something that you eat, breathe, or touch

[e.g. I’m allergic to cats. When a cat is near, I get a runny nose.]

broke: (adjective) not have any money

noisy: (adjective) when people or things make a lot of loud, unpleasant sounds

can’t stand sby/sth = to hate somebody or something

wreck: (verb) to destroy or damage something completely

work out: (phrasal verb) to do exercises to make your body stronger

gym: (noun) a building with equipment for doing exercises; similar to health club

odd: (adjective) strange or unusual

avoid: (verb) to stay away from a person, place, situation, etc.

e.g. I try to avoid the topic of politics. = I try not to talk about politics.

karate: (noun) a sport from Japan in which people fight using fast, hard hits with the hands or feet

review: (noun) a report in a newspaper, magazine, or programme that gives an opinion about a new book, film, etc.

e.g. The film has had mixed reviews (= some good, some bad).

novel: (noun) a book that tells a story about imaginary people and events

pool: (noun) a game in which two people use long, thin sticks to hit coloured balls into holes around the edge of a table; similar to billiards

skill: (noun) the ability to do an activity or job well, especially because you have practised it

journalism: (noun) the work of writing articles for newspapers, magazines, television, or radio

meditate: (verb) to think calm thoughts for a long period in order to relax or as a religious activity

martial art: (noun) traditional skills of fighting, especially from East Asia
e.g. tae-kwon-do, from Korea; karate, from Japan

celebrity: (noun) a famous person

genre: (noun) a type of art or writing with a particular style

knit: (verb) to make clothes using wool and two long needles to join the wool into rows]

sew: (verb) to join things together with a needle and thread

crochet: (verb) to make clothes and other items using wool and a special needle with a hook at one end

cut down sth: (phrasal verb) to eat or drink less of something, or to reduce the amount or number of something

e.g. My doctor says I should cut down on cigarettes.

give up sth: (phrasal verb) to stop an unhealthy habit or stop having something unhealthy

e.g. I gave up smoking cigarettes.

enthusiasm: (noun) a lot of interest in something and wanting very much like to be involved in it

recipe: (noun) a list of foods and a set of instructions telling you how to cook something; e.g. “I have a recipe for carrot cake.”

freak: (noun) someone who is very interested in a particular subject or activity [informal], e.g. “My brother’s a bit of a computer freak.”

handyman: (noun) someone who is good at making things or repairing them

bookworm: (noun) someone who enjoys reading very much

daredevil: (noun) someone who enjoys doing dangerous things

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