University English: the blog for ESL students

November 9, 2011

Libyan civil war

Filed under: student presentations — richardlstansfield @ 6:48 am

these days, Libyan civil war is a hot topic of discussion
The Libyan civil war was caused by friction between Gaddafi and a ntion people (rebel)
The Gaddafi who was president of Libya ruled Libya with an iron hand for 42 years and these Gaddafi’s dictatorship was broke out Libyan civil war.

This war has continued for a long time, The price of oil has increased abnormally.

So, various countries(including France, the United Kingdom, Italy, Spain, Canada, and the United States) helped the rebel forces fight Gaddafi.
As a result, Gaddafi is dead and the Libyan civil war is finishing as victory of rebel.
After this war, Gaddafi’s secret money was investigated 170 billion dallor and this case is very similar Park Jung Hui who was Korean president


[1] Civil war : a war which is fought between different groups of people who live in the same country
[2] Rebel : people who are fighting against their own country’s army in order to change the political system there
[3] Dictatorship : a country which is ruled by a dictator or by a very strict and harsh government
[4] Investigate : try to find out what happened or what is the truth
[5] Friction : the force that makes it difficult for things to move freely when they are touching each other

Disscussion Questions
[1] If you were Gaddafi, what decision would you have –mond– made? why?

[2] Do you think that the price of oil will go up or down after the end of the war? why?

[3]If Gaddafi had given more of his secret money to the people, do you think that the civil war would have broken out? why or why not?





* Class 29,
Group 8

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